For many families, shared bedrooms are a fact of life. When space is limited, parents must find ways to help children co-exist in a single space. When kids’ personalities and personal interests conflict, selecting a unifying theme is critical. Likewise, establishing dedicated storage and personal space for each child in the room will help reduce conflict. This can be accomplished by selecting furniture to maximize the space available, while creating a sanctuary that your children will come to appreciate and enjoy.
Selecting a Theme and Color Scheme
Some children enjoy sharing a room with siblings, although others may like it less. Incorporating aspects of each child’s personality into the room’s décor will help ease the stress and make everyone feel included. Search for common ground with color and theme, involving the kids in the selection process if they are mature enough. If that’s out of the question, start with a neutral base and allow both children to add colorful accents that reflect their personalities. This will also provide for easy redecorating as your children grow, change and develop new interests.
Allow for Personal Space and Storage
A shared bedroom requires personal space for each child as well as common areas for playing or doing homework. Identifying zones for each activity is helpful to avoid bickering and to provide a sense of identity for each child. Likewise, providing separate areas for storage for each child helps to teach them to respect others’ property and personal space. Delineate each child’s areas in a visible manner. For example, use different colored totes or baskets, or affix identifying labels the kids make themselves. Design personal space so that children are not facing directly toward or away from each other, as this can cause a psychological distraction.
Select Furniture to Maximize the Room
If the room is small, bunk beds offer the most efficient approach, if not the most ideal one. If the kids are six or older, consider elevated beds with desk and storage underneath. This virtually doubles the floor space of the room while providing your children with a distinct personal space for sleeping, reading and homework, as well as delineating storage. If you select individual, traditional beds, provide separate dressers or chests of drawers for each child. Bookcases can double as room dividers while providing space for storing books, toys and games.
In Salt Lake City, the professional designers at Guild Hall Fine Furniture understand the importance of space planning when tackling shared bedrooms. Let them introduce you to the furnishings and accessories that will help make the transition to shared bedrooms easy and enjoyable.